Information Your first step to becoming
a franchised “F.I.T.™” instructor
is to review the information in this document.
Franchised Instructor Application Next,
complete the Franchised Instructor Application and
submit back to us “F.I.T.™”
CPR Certification After passing the movement
screening, you will need to submit proof of CPR
certification (or intent to become CPR certified
prior to the workshop date).
a Training Session After submitting CPR
certification (or intent to become CPR certified
prior to the workshop date), you will be scheduled
to attend a training session.
Franchise Agreement and Offering Circular
You will receive a Franchise Agreement and Offering
Circular from “F.I.T.™” specific
to your state or country approximately 6 weeks prior
to your scheduled training session date. After reading
and carefully reviewing the Franchise Agreement,
fax one copy to signed original to “F.I.T.™”.
+ 44 870 0940208 Attn: Franchise Services. And post
one copy to “F.I.T.™” 508 Neelkanth,
Marine Drive, Mumbai, India.
Training Materials After submitting your
completed Franchise Agreement and approximately
2-4 weeks prior to the training session date, you
will be mailed training materials, including training
and programme materiel, and a fitness resource book.
for and Attend the Training Session You
must review the materials, prepare for the training
session, and learn several “F.I.T.™”
programme routines, some of which you will present
during a practical exam. The training sessions trainer
in your area may offer optional practice sessions.
Certification Upon passing the practical
exam and completing the entire workshop, you become
a franchisee and certified “F.I.T.™”